The Podcast

The First Creatures podcast begins in summer of 2024! Stay tuned for further updates.

Inspiration and moral support for lingering…

About the podcast

The First Creatures podcast is for anyone who’s looking to develop their own capacity for stillness, contemplation, lingering, and the enjoyment of leisure. This podcast

  • examines commonly held beliefs and attitudes which prevent or discourage us from lingering,

  • explores ideas and cultural traditions that offer new (to us) ways of viewing life, time, and each other,

  • discusses methods for encountering various art forms,

  • and offers practical suggestions for how to incorporate these values into a modern, busy life.

Meet the host

  • I'm your host, Ellen Riccio.

    I hope this podcast brightens your day and increases your feeling for life. I hope it connects us to each other so that we can co-create a more spacious way of being in this world. I hope it gives you courage to resist the constant pressure to perform. I hope it makes you smile.