A Wordless Gathering. A Modern Ritual.

Live music for the ears only.


UnScene is a weekly* silent gathering in which live music is heard but not seen. It is a place where our deepest selves can linger, a space where we can contemplate the unseen.

*The goal is to offer this every week, but we are still in the early stages of building support for this idea. Email Ellen Cockerham Riccio at ellen@firstcreatures.com for more information.

Join us!

Our first UnScene gathering will take place at the Varina Area Library (1875 New Market Rd.) on Saturday, Nov. 16 at 10am in the grand staircase.

This event, as well as all future UnScene events, will be free of charge.

The layers of meaning behind UnScene are threefold.

First, it is a gathering in which people can honor and connect with the unseen within themselves: the mysterious and the unnameable. It is a space for religious experience which is not itself religious.

Secondly, it is not the usual music “scene” in which one goes out as much to be seen as to see the music. It is more about seeing the unseeable than it is about being seen or socializing. It is community, or communion, without communication.

Finally, it is a live music performance, minus the performing. The musicians are positioned behind the audience, and their identities are not made known. 

What to expect:

  • Arrive at the Varina Area Library anytime between 9 and 10am to get settled in. Take a seat in the Grand Staircase which faces the large, 2-story window looking out onto a forest.

  • Turn off cell phones and refrain from talking while seated on the staircase.

  • The music will begin at 10am and last approximately 30 minutes. Late arrivals will be seated behind the musicians.

  • Maintain silence as much as it is within your control, but understand that we are in a public setting and cannot always control what happens. Be tolerant of disruptions, or, better yet, listen to them as though they were a part of this unique live performance. 

  • When the music concludes, you are welcome to sit in silence or leave quietly. 

We hope you’ll join us!